A bit further on
Malcolm Cann
Sat 28 Apr 2007 09:31
Brest itself doesn't seem to have a lot going for it, it has a large commercial dock, a naval docks, some sub-pens and I suppose that's about it. You don't get to see the sub-pens as they are in the naval docks which is a restricted area. The marina itself is quite comfortable except for the wind, which blew me into the slot and tried to stop me getting out of it. The bi-lingual marina staff seemed a bit scarce so I started to learn French, and the fuel is available 24hrs a day if you have a chip and pin card, Lloydstsb card worked well. I didn't find that out until the day I left.
So on the 17th I fought my way out through the throngs of yachtees all going racing to go to Pornic. The noise machines had not proved too bad after all but I had decided to go.
I caught the tide out of Brest and was in danger of overtaking a slow moving Navy ship at about 8kts SOG. One outside Brest I found very little wind and tried to use the genoa to grab what ever was available. It was quite miserable, there was no nice warm sun, no wind only the motor. I kept on furling and unfurling the genoa as a hint of wind appeared and then vanished again. I'm getting quite good at that now and try not to use the winch for furling. At about 0200 the sea started to get very slightly bumpy so, coward that I am, I thought "Bay of Biscay- bumpy sea get out", I turned for the nearest marina, L'Orient. It took me until 1100 to get to Port Louis, the entrance to the rivers, and I arrived there when the tide was running out, and of course it had turned out to be a nice day. The gap at Port Louis is narrow and I reckon the tide was running at about 4kts because I had to put on nearly full power to get me through it and are there some nasty eddies and cross currents.
I got into the river and looked for a berth, every where seemed full of locals as in Brest but eventually I ended up at L'Orient where I rafted alongside a local boat just behind one for sale in the visiteurs area. When I went to the captiniere and told the young lady I'd like to stay for 5 days she gave me a locals berth further in the marina, so I went onto a finger berth for all of 10mins then she very apologetically came and told me the owner was coming back, so she and a helper moved me and even offered a bottle of wine as recompense. I stayed my 5 days.
My 5 days were not wasted. As usual the first thing I did was located a food supply, this done I started looking aroud all touristy, I visited the sub-pens and got lots of pictures, I looked at most of the sites, including the incredible ferry which turns in its own length. Now know why its called "L'Orient" also know that there is not much of the town older than the 50s cause the pig britishers blew it apart because of the subs.
Five days passed quite quickly so on the way out I took some more photos of the sub-pens and made sure I caught the tide going out.