Day 1 24.11.13
Mon 25 Nov 2013 17:23
Left Las Palmas at long last on a glorious day amid the racket of brass bands, cheering crowds and fond farewells to all our new boaty friends, flags, photos and excitement All 240 yachts then jostling together to get out of the narrow marina entrance, then off to the start line and the big gun and off we go. A quite unexpected squall then obliterated the entire fleet and we all got a thorough soaking and one boat broke their boom, it was all rather hectic, and not the start we wished. Weird weather after that with the sails up and whizzing along followed by wind holes everyone stopped dead and all the boats just sitting bobbing about. Unevetful first night. Sarah'e spag bol quite delicious. Janie Lax |