A final snag and Land Ho at last 14:24:68N 60:31:03W

22nd January 10:00hrs
(UTC -4 hrs) 25nm
to destination Last
night we enjoyed our "Friday night works drinks" and continued to
barrel along making good speeds in a F6 breeze. A shift in wind put Warrior on
to a broad reach and she was absolutely loving this point of sail; racing along
in the surging swell. This
angle to the wind yielded an unexpected surprise as the flying fish that he
been wantonly hurling themselves on our deck seemed to now be landing in the
cockpit. The first of the night nearly slapped me on the side of the fact as it
hit the sidedeck right next to where I was sitting. I felt a splatter on my
cheek and heard the frantic sound of wet flapping. It took me just a moment to
realise what it was and then several moments to actually get my hands properly
on the slippery little sucker and hurl him back overboard. The next one; a tiny
little fella, arrived about 20 minutes later and landed right at the back of
the cockpit where Jamie managed to rescue him and shortly after that followed a
3rd one. It was quite a fun party game for half hour or so but I was quite
expecting to get slapped around the face by one at any moment. When we went
below Meep was noticeably agitated and clearly felt we shouldn't have been
throwing live fish back when he could have "dealt" with them! We have
grown rather fond of these little creatures though - it's fascinating watching
them in their "squadrons" jetting along with their clever little
wings; vibrant blue colour and massive eyes that do look for all the world like
flying goggles. The
moon didn't rise until nearly half past 10 so the darkness made it feel like we
were going even faster than we actually were at this point. When the moon did
rise it was large and bright and nearly intact which meant it flooded the sea
around us with light. We would be grateful for this tonight. Jamie
attempted to have a bit of a snooze but conditions were too lively and I think
his brain was too awake to properly sleep. It
was approaching 11 o'clock when Jamie started to notice something wasn't right.
Warrior was sluggish and we weren't staying on course. He adjusted the Wind
Pilot and when that didn't improve things he took over and hand-steered for a
bit. Something was definately wrong. He took the big powerful torch we keep
on-board and had a look in the water around the boat and it was soon obvious
what the problem was. He could clearly see two thick warps in the water. Some
industrial fishing gear would be our best guess; presumeably a net that had
been discarded. The lines went along the length of the boat and disappeared off
our stern. We were effectively "streaming a drogue" (a well
documented storm tactic to slow a boat down in heavy weather is to stream heavy
lines from the back of the boat). We furled the headsail to slow us down and
Jamie attempted to hook the lines with our boat hook. There was no chance; we
were still going too fast. We dropped the mainsail and without the propulsion
of either sail we flopped around sickeningly in the swell pitching up and down,
side to side. Jamie tried again to fish the line with our boathook and this
time succeeded. He told me to get clear and hauled the line with all his
strength and hooked it over our stern winch. He heaved again and managed to get
enough slack to put a wrap around the stern cleat. Now we had some line on
board he could see where it was feeding off to and when he was certain it would
clear the boat he cut the line which disappeared off back into the inky depths
in our wake and Warrior was free once more! Jamie sat and got his breath back -
he'd been so cool and calm. My heart had been racing but I'd said nothing the
whole time; just followed instructions. I can't remember what we said to each
other at that moment but I remember throwing my head back and laughing so
loudly it felt like my chest would explode. We
can't be certain exactly what happened but a good guess would be that this was
a redundant fishing net and the lines had wrapped their way around our keel.
It's possible it might have snagged the rudder but seems likely we'd cut it
free before it reached that point. It
seems like we had been destined to have one more story to tell before our
arrival into Martinique. We
pulled out the headsail and strapped the main down onto the boom for the night.
We might loose a little speed without the main but it felt like a lot of effort
to lift it again at this stage so we decided to wait until morning. I made us
coffee and hot chocolate and we sat and calmed down. Eventually I went to bed
for a few hours and when I replaced Jamie early in the morning he'd had a quiet
night and managed to have plenty of rest on watch. There was a sailing boat a
couple of miles abeam of us also heading towards Martinique and although we couldn't
see it they were transmitting an AIS signal and we could watch for it on our
chart plotter. Jamie
went to bed and I squinted into the darkness straining to see the sailing boat
"Zulu" but I couldn't make it out. I watched for it for the next couple
of hours and eventually it was past us and on its way. It got within 2 miles
but I never spotted it in the darkness. Once the sun came up I could see it on
the horizon already 5 or 6 miles away but I can only think it was showing no
navigation lights at all during the night as I was unable to spot it even as it
slid past us. This
morning followed a similar pattern to the last few days. I was doused by a
light rain squall before Jamie woke up and then we had a heavy rain squall and
high winds gusting around 32-33kts for a short spell which had us reducing sail
and putting on our bloody clown outfits once more. Once
this heavy squall passed the sun came out and we have put most of our sail back
up and are watching the miles count down and squinting at the horizon to be the
first to sight land. There
are now less than 25 miles to go. It is time to get the beers in the fridge
(the PROPER beers this time) and prepare for our arrival a little. Despite
my efforts making courtesy flags of the Caribbean on my sewing machine before
we left the first of the flags we will need is the good old French
"tricolore". We will fly this for the duration of our stay in the
French islands and, temporarily; a plain yellow "Q" flag until we
have completed our arrival paperwork and cleared in officially. Annoyingly
it looks like Zulu will be on their second rum punch by the time we arrive but
there's no catching them now. They are well ahead of us. On the other hand they
probably didn't have to drop all their sail to hack themselves free of a
fishing net last night lucky buggers! As I
finish checking this post ready to upload it the cloud on the horizon has
cleared a little and there off in the distance is unmistakably the outline of
an island and the volcanic peak of Martinique... LAND HO!! |