
Gold Braid
Sun 6 Jan 2008 08:04
Set off from Opiua 10am were escorted by a pod of dolphins out of the Bay of Islands .Had a minor diversion to Gt Barrier Is. to cure a deck leak above Peter's berth but had  to ask NZ Customs permission to do so. Passing visit by Police boat confirmed our story! Now heading south down the New Zealand coast.Been tracking the wind for two days 15kn East waiting for a change to head offshore.We are presently 50 miles off the coast from Whakatane passing New Zealands most active volcano -White Island, named by Capt. Cook because of the dense clouds of white vapour generated. There are 3 small islands formed by three seperate volcanos. Weather dry but overcast grey. Next news in 5 days or so - equipment permitting (Martin!)-