Milestones and epectations ( 17:17.00N 48:04.00W )

Me again, sorry. (Will that is) ie. more grammatical errors which I apologise for in advance. Our boat speedometer clocked 157 miles through water over the last 24 hours, which I think has to be about our best in a 24h period. Over dinner we decided that there is a good chance we’ll be in St. Lucia in about a week, making us about two thirds of the way. As you’ve probably heard we’ve been celebrating bench marks like this along the route. Notably, we passed “half way” a few days ago and “1000 miles to St. Lucia” yesterday morning. The kids seem to enjoy these the most as they made invitations to the “1000 mile to go party” and paper chains with which to decorate the saloon. I’m also a great fan of these as they effectively add a course of crisps and sweets to my breakfast. Nam. (Norwegian yum)
Things are still going well on board. It’s fair to say that the interest in the games we’ve been playing is decreasing exponentially, meanwhile the kids pent up energy after weeks aboard is increasing at the same rate. I decided it was time. I deployed my wildcard of “Connect Four”, unsure of how it would go down (terrible pun, sorry). I feel it’s been a roaring success so far and it even disappeared with them into their den last night, leaving the adults to contemplate the crossing so far in comparison to our expectations; mixed thoughts on this. We’d all expected to be completely becalmed at least once, which doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen, touch wood. I personally feel we’ve eaten better than I thought we would manage to with such a long time at sea. However, with the fridge starting to smell and the daily, precooking meat check reaching an ever more borderline verdict, I think things are about to change a little over the final week. So, generally we are all well on board and though we are counting down the miles to St. Lucia, I’d say about half on board (I won’t tell you who) are quite happy just arriving as and when we do, because the longer we take, the long we get to spend sailing in the sun, eating well and my personal favorite, enjoying the sunset, which never fails to disappoint. Missing all at home a little more now, as expected, I (we) look forward to catching up with all of you in the real world in a week or so. Not long now. See you all soon. |