Tuesday, Sept. 2nd, 2015
Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Wed 2 Sep 2015 22:32
Daily run: 147 logged miles
Destination: Gile Gede (Lombok in Indonesia)
Australia has been one of the better destination so far. The weather has been permanently sunny, the people have been helpful and kind; we could get all boat work done we needed to get done and the entertainment has been out of the ordinary. Last Thursday we were taken for a boat tour of part of the Adelaide River to see Australian wildlife and crocodiles jumping up for bate held out by our guides on long sticks. Powerful animals that eat just anything and can manage a small person in one meal session. We have seen them stealing up to waterfowl and devouring them in whole. Birdlife included watching a kingfisher from nearby dive in the murky river waters and succeeding every time in catching a fish of the right size for its own small body; white-bellied eagles swooping down on their prey and lots of waterfowl. The weekend we spent in the Kakadu National park, an area of some 20.000 square km, touring around to see some amazing sights including aboriginal art and crocs by the dozen. It is currently the dry season in Australia, so that much of the animal kingdom now congregates near rivers and wetlands. We were taken by an aboriginal guide by boat up part of the East Alligator river and setting foot in Arnhem Land, a 100.000 square km area east of the Kakadu National Park, where only aboriginal tribes are allowed, was a unique experience in that nature has been undisturbed since time immemorial. There still are a number of tribes speaking different languages.
Our start for Lombok commenced yesterday at 11am, a distance of some 950 miles in a sea area that is known for an absence of or light winds at this time of the year. We therefore bought extra diesel jerry cans, which now number 8 and are stowed on deck. It gives us an extra 160 litres on top of the 180 litres we carry in the inboard tank and about 6 days of motoring. Luckily, there was a gentle breeze from seaward yesterday, that enabled us to tack out of the Darwin estuary and into the Timor Sea, but we have been on the engine since 3.30am this morning motorsailing. The forecast is for more lack of wind…