Duet on Passage

Simon and Kitty van Hagen
Wed 23 Jul 2008 20:23
Numea. Wednesday 23rd July 2008. When we tell our friends that
we are cruising in the Pacific they all think that it is, well, peaceful - no it
isn't. It took us 4 days to cover 734 miles from Fiji to New Caledonia
which works out as an average speed of 7.6 knots. It was quite the
most unpleasant passage we've made for some time. The trade winds far from being
benign were constantly strong to gale force, the swell huge with a nasty cross
sea running to make it seriously unpleasant. So to balance it all out we have
just spent a couple of days inland with friends getting away from that salt
water, wind and swell.