Monday 9th December 01:40 15 27'.0N 49 21'.7W
Wed 11 Dec 2019 12:32
12:00 600 miles to run
It has been a busy morning: we gybed the headsail, a big moment in the life of Next Step. It's all very complicated, but the pole has been out the same side since we left Las Palmas with the sail attached to it, however this morning we had to flip it over to the starboard side - I make it sound so easy. On any boat I have been on the foredeck work is always a bloody pallavar - it's all very complicated and seems to me like a bit of a black art and different on every boat There are jib sails, genoas, PFRs, Code Zeros, cruising chutes, spinnakers, assymetrics, parasailers for catamarans and so it goes on. Anyway, don't ask me, it's all Harry Potter to me. Winsailium leviosa!
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