The Hula Caribbean Convergence
Thu 1 Dec 2011 16:00
I wake up on Sunday to Karen laughing as she hula hoops on the foredeck. Later Nick sets the double trouble lure and after an hour or so Trev is fighting to reel in a 1metre Dorado against the 7 knot pull of the boat. We don't slow down for anything once our Red asymmetric kite with a large black maltese cross (nicknamed 'The Baron') is set. The fish, panfried with chilli and garlic, is magnificent even if the aft deck looks like something from a CSI episode once we're finished. 'Captain Tolleys Creeping Crack Bar' that sunset involves dubious Jelly Bean roulette, barf and centipede flavour were by far the worst.
Monday and the time change has Dandy the dogs stomach clock confused. She is up 2 hours early for breakfast. Its 'Big Ugly Hairy Biker Bills Whisky and Tattoo Bar' followed by venison stew. Strangely no drink fuelled tattoo regrets in the morning. The Red baron is doing a sterling service, some control line chaff issues aside we are tonking along at 8 knots plus and it looks VERY cool - as confirmed by the nice French folk on the Catamaran that passed nearby yesterday en route to Martinique.
Tuesday continuing the Hobbit tradition of Second Breakfast started by the Skipper, I managed to concoct some croissants and pan ou chocolate made in a mad race against tropical heat and melting butter in the galley. Tuesday sundowners it's 'Karen Flloyd' (related to Keith??) and an intellectually stimulating take on wine and spirit nosing ensues...nobody can remember what we had for dinner that night!!
Wednesday is 1500 miles to go/half way there day. Raman is on bar at 'Rum'ns' Cocktail place again. In praise of the Red Baron we all wear an item of red clothing, drink pink Cava and Red cocktails whilst singing Bon Jovi "ooooo-oooh we're half way theerrrre wooooaaaahhhh living on a prayer...take the helm and we'll make it I swear...." - another video to look forward to.
Gastro-nauts all, this trip is taking it's toll on digestion, but we are finishing all our meals much to Dandy and her jetlagged stomachs disgust. I must go - the cellar book got soaked and is unreadable and it's all hands to search out the 1961 claret!
Todays blog was brought to you by Mr Stephen Pickles!
Big hugs to all our friends and family back home. Particularly to Sarah from Raman, he hasn't emailed because the email is too slow so it's blogs only for now I'm afraid. Cruinneag is loving the open ocean, as are the crew, we're clean, well fed and well watered and there is a strange mix of excitement to be on the home straight, yet trepidation as we're all enjoying this amazing adventure so much.
Half Way there...Trevor keeps his promise to his Scout friends back home.
We would also like to make a special mention to the crack team of german scientists working on and below deck and in the bilges to keep us all going:
- Otto Helms
- Doktor Walter Maeker
- Asyym Keidt (aka The Red Baron)
- Hans Ondek
and of course all the Frauleins
...they all live in the lazarette and eat cabbage and we love them dearly.