Position report 53:52.64N 8:43.00E - Cuxhaven on the Elbe

Arrived at the LCF club in Amerikahaven in Cuxhaven, the dock where the liners full of European emigres left for the USA in the learly part of the 20th century. The club, like our own club (Humber Cruising Association) is member-run with guests invited to use all the facilities enjoyed by members. Very comfortable and welcoming. The Dutch (west) and German (east) Frisian Islands are all low lying from seaward and largely featureless but the estuaries of the Ems, Jade and Weser rivers provide more excitement with ships converging on and diverging from the river mouths. Overnight an oil platform off the Ems created the impression of Dante’s inferno and whole mile-wide windfarms lit up like flashing Christmas lights. We were amazed at the strength of the tidal stream in the Elbe and struggled on our final approach against the tide as it began to turn foul. |