Loch Harport o Loch Scresort, Rum

Chris Adams
Thu 27 Jul 2023 21:48
[nogallery] [comments off] [category Recent Posts] Thursday 27 July 2023 Gesto Bay proved an excellent anchorage for the SE to E’ly winds overnight. With a forecast shift from SE to SW around lunchtime we stay put for the morning and review the wind forecasts etc for the next week (not promising). The wind shifts more or less exactly as forecast (maybe 30 minutes earlier - the UKMO 2km wind forecast is really pretty good) requiring a fairly swift exit - the bay is wide open to the west. We dawdle about in Loch Harport sorting lunch and then beat out past Wiay, tack south and sail a direct course to Rum. Save for a little adverse tide and the misty, damp weather, an excellent passage, getting to Rum just after 7pm where we pick up a mooring. I’d rather be anchored but we have an early start tomorrow and Rum requires the deck wash. A fairly international gathering - a Norwegian, 2 Swiss and 2 charter boats joined by us and, a little later, a blue ensigned arrival. Poor visibility throughout - the camera never left its locker! |