True Blue Bay to Le Phare Bleu Bay , Grenada
Bootlegger of Mann��Log
Date 300110��
12:00N 61:43W
Crew:�� FN / KB / MH
True Blue Bay to Le Phare Bleu Bay , Grenada
12:00N 61:43W �Had breakfast prepared by Roger on deck. The boiled eggs and toast
were done to perfection.
Watched the fleet of Horizon yachts chartered by a group of Dutch yachtsmen
prepare to and ultimately leave for the Southern Grenada Regatta down at St Georges.
Learnt that the part from Martinique not now due here until Tuesday. Plan is to
leave here and go around to Le Phare Bleu a little further up the coast for a couple of
16.30 �Departed True Blue for Le Phare Bleu some 2.87 nm to the East. Once out
of the Bay we were punching into a strong Easterly wind and equally strong current
that quickly slowed us to a S.O.G. of �just 2.5 to 3 knots. On arrival at Le Phare Bleu
we were offered an alongside berth on the outer pontoon which we were soon secured
alongside, Roger having ably passed the bow and stern lines to the marina attendant.
18.30 FWE
After tidying up we went for supper in the Pool Bar, A good day.