42:07.297N 8:50.759W Bayona (Near Vigo)
Sun 12 Oct 2008 13:31
Yesterday was interesting. They say troubles come in threes.
1. We spilt our gins while they were being poured-calamity!
2. We were just congratulating ourselves on having passed through the shipping to the north of the traffic separation lanes off finistere in order that we might pass through theinshore zone, when thick fog descended (visibility less than 50m). Then ships started to turn to starboard heading east - straight at us. To cut a long story short, our track for next 4 hours looked like that of a drunken spaniard as we dodged ships. Thank goodness for the Radar and AIS.
3.Problem with gas. Need to replace regulator.
Must go. Michael has just openedthe bubbly. t