Thu 26 Oct 2006 14:56
Well, what a strange time to be starting a blog - after the big cruise!  I wasn't too confident about this technology thing while we were away and as Elaine at Yachting World has asked me to find out about it, I thought I would give it a go.  Watch out for the least imaginative blog available on line.
So, as you may or may not know - we have completed our Caribbean cruise.  We left the UK in June 2005, had some great adventures and scary moments as we sailed across Biscay, cruised northern Spain and Portugal before heading to the Canaries.  We left Santa Cruz, Tenerife in early December and made landfall in St Lucia 26 days later.  It wasn't as fast as we'd hoped but we made it in one piece and only motored for two and a half hours.
Five fabulous months in the Caribbean sunshine...
and then 19 days from Antigua to Horta......
And 11 days from there back to Falmouth where we are only now starting to find work and get established.  Jacques is probably the happiest one now we are back - he has joined the drama group, the rugby team, Army Cadets and has a girlfriend and a new puppy.  His smile is so wide you would think his face would split.