BETELGEUSE Friday 18/11/22

Jonnie Massey
Fri 18 Nov 2022 18:31

49.02.2 4.07.0W

Today we spent the morning reviewing our safety drills with special attention to our man overboard drills.  Hopefully we will never need to use what we have practiced!  The decks were given a thorough washing down at the same time, as some heavy showers have been passing over the marina.

Scenes in the mercado, shopping for fruit and veg were amazing, with Claire directing the purchases of a huge amount of local produce.  With Will’s Spanish language skills ensuring that we knew apples from oranges, we are pretty sure that the final “store ship” will be done tomorrow.

A well-established ARC tradition is to paint the name of your boat on the rocks near the harbour mouth, and there are some amazing works of art along the promenade of ARC boats going back at least 10 years.  Of course we had to add to that artwork, with our own rendition of the Mona Lisa.  We hope that the picture gives a good idea of what the team achieved this afternoon.

We are off for our final dinner ashore tonight, but it is unlikely that it will come anywhere near the standard of cooking on board, with the most amazing fajitas from Will last night, and an awesome salad thanks to Charlotte at lunch.  If this quality of food continues, we will need to slow down on the passage to digest the amazing food.

By Richard