Blog 27th September 2010

Brian & Loretto Linehan
Mon 27 Sep 2010 15:06
enjoying our presence for a little while longer. We are hopeful that the
bow thruster will return this week but we have had hopes like this before
only to have them dashed!
All going well we will be lifting the boat out on Thursday or Friday and
it will stay out for the following week while more work (and hopefully the
final work) will be completed.
We can't leave for the Carribbean until after hurricane season which is
about 1st November so we are thinking of joining the Carribbean 1500 which
is a race comparable to the ARC but instead goes from Norfolk VA to
Tortola in the BVIs. Weather permitting, this leaves on 1st Novemeber and
all going well we should complete the passage in about 10-12 days.
But first things first - get the boat ready. Provisioning lists are being
made - food and drink for the next 8 months! Obviously we will be able to
provision on fresh foods as we go along but we want to bring as much tins
and non-perishable food with us now as shopping will get more expensive as
soon as we leave the US. Also enough toilet paper and kitchenroll -
literally every available space will be taken up with "stuff".
Here's to the return of the BT asap!