Position 27:43N 016:49.4W
Mariposa Blanca Move
Skip- Andy Petty. Owner hard at work in office!
Sat 19 Jan 2013 17:16
Log 2712
Dist to BVI 2680nm
Well straight out the nice sunny protected harbour of Las Galletas into no wind and big swell, soon after clearing the southerly point of Tenerife Island we found a NW F6/7 gusitng to 36 knots and we are hanging on to last night's supper grimly here!
Weather promises us much more of the same for a few days then rather more for 48 hrs, so the strategy is to carry on only just west of south until the night when the wind is due to veer N or even NE allowing us to alter to a much more westerly course.
Instead of taking the traditional route down to 20N 30W before turnign west, it looks like we may head west for 6 days and then turn sw to try avoid some of the nastier stuff here.
Many thanks to Paul Williams for checking and reporting that Jemima is OK and telling me 50 knots are due there shortly! Jan said home was like cornwall today, there is snow in s UK but not in scotlamd it seems and mike soon chnaged his shorts for socks, long trousers and thermals out here.
Thanks for all emails and sms sent so far. Hope you all saw the photos uploaded from the Pink Parrot by wifi over breakfast today - will try more when sea settles some!
INtresting note is that despite 70 hrs engine use since Gib, we only got 96 litres dieseo in the tank today (plus about the same in cans)
Supper just went in the oven and the keyboard is in motion all the time, so I need fresh air and to sign off the blog for today.
Regards to all.
The Mariposa Blanca delivery team