Britican and Why Knot!

Mike West
Sun 19 Jul 2015 20:05
After lunch whilst Harry and Catrin where playing I heard a shout “Katie, your friends are here.” I then raced upstairs to see Britican - Simon told us to turn our radio to channel 27. When we had Simon told us that the people on the boat next to us where their South African friends two girls called Tana and Sienna – Britican had just come from Paxos with Why Knot. A rat had come on board Britican – the rat had gnawed a hole in Kim’s lotion. And the same rat had then boarded Why Knot – the rat had gnawed a cigarette and the top of a plastic lid.
Sienna and Tana’s Mum swam to a rock where they ted there anchor line we then motored In the dingy over to Britican to take their lines and Daddy would then pass Britican’s lines to their Olympic swimmer. When everyone was anchored Tana, Sienna, Sienna and I all swam around in the water. We played around in the water for ages – Daddy even got the rubber ring out. When we had got board of playing in the water we boarded Why Knot (a catamaran). There boat had lots of space they had lots of windows that you have to close when you go out to sea. When you walked on the deck you had to watch out for the open hatches, you wouldn’t want to fall down them. When we had finished our tour of Why knot we went over to Britican Sienna showed us her room, her paintings and the other rooms. Simon called down to us whilst Sienna was showing us a board game “ The children on the Catamaran next door are British go and make friends with them as well. We made friends with them – they had three girls aged 6, 7 and 10 – the eldest was called Ivy we showed here the flat fish and the sea urchins.
Daddy soon told us to get ready to go out for a drink with Britican and Why Knot. When we where ready we motored to why knot where we picked up Sienna (big Sienna). When we got there Sienna realised she had forgotten her shoes so we dropped Harry, Mummy and Catrin of at the cafe whilst we whizzed to get Sienna’s shoes. When we got back we brought some pastries, Beer and Fanta. When we where looking in the chandlers Britican and Why Knot found us we brought some paper plates from the chandlers.
We then sat down in the cafe, when we got back to the dinghies Sienna, Sienna, Harry and I all went in Simon’s fast dingy – we weren't allowed to go too fats because of people swimming, we where going to have tea on Why Knot. When we got to why Knot we planned a swim show. After tea we did the swim show Sienna and I did umps together – Tana did an amazing backwards dive! We all tried to convince Sienna to do a jump from the first step. She didn’t have the confidence though. When we got back to our boat we had to go strait to bed because it was half eleven.
Written by Katie