Yorkshire Rows
Sun 31 Jan 2016 15:24
17:54.769N 44:47.216W
Day 42 at sea, slow progress last night no wind and the sea was like treacle to row through, hoping for improvements today Sunday 31 Jan.  Every one is well (apart from sore bottoms).  Last night a very very big whale came to visit us he was enormous, he didn’t stay long and it was a bit dark so we couldn’t get a good picture this time.  Its amazing to see the whales and other wildlife, there is always a bird flying around us during the day and at night a different one, not sure where they come from? daily jobs on board include making hot water (Helen), cleaning solar panels and toilet (Francis) checking for water ingress and bilge duties (Niki) rubbish monitor  (Janette) amongst other numerous tasks that are neccesary on a small “ship”.  We still have not got used to clambering around the boat, dont think we will it is so rocky most of the time and we are not quite agile and quick enough!  Many times we just end up crawling around and trying to hold on to each other, we all have lots of bruises!  Helen is quite spectacular when she moves around the boat its such fun to watch her!  will have to get a video of her its just her face looks so determined to get from one end of the boat to another yet her body leaves her behind.  In fact helen has been good value for entertainment, she wears these little sheepskin boats on her feet when rowing and her legs have got so thin she looks like a little sparrow.  We are all looking a little thinner (even me) a little more toned, bronzing nicely but we are all just a little bit hairy, there will be some defuzzing to do before we get to Land otherwise it might be difficult to recognise us!.  Wishing you all a lovely Sunday evening and sending lots of love to you all as we “row, eat, sleep repeat”  Skipper Janette and Crew. x