on the road again

David Morgan and Brenda Webb
Tue 6 May 2014 22:10
09:28S 140:10W
Our anchorage at Ua Pou proved to be the rolliest and most uncomfortable we’ve had for a while.  It was fine until about midnight when the wind died and the swell crept around the corner.  We slept fitfully – there is nothing more annoying than a rolly anchorage.
We headed ashore first thing and wandered around the, yet again, spic and span village.  The Marquesans obviously take huge pride in their surroundings and every property is immaculate and planted with a variety of lush tropical vegetation.  We tried, without success, to buy a breadfruit – most were unripe and very high on the trees.  Mangos were everywhere and we managed to find a few fallen fruit to add to our fruit stocks.
After a swim we headed around to the next anchorage which was fairly unappealing.   With a big school of dolphins on the bow, which we always take as a sign of good luck, we decided to keep going for the Tuamoto Islands.  It would have been nice to set off after a solid night’s sleep but we’ve all afternoon to nap and we’re anxious to get there.