Bahai de Caraquez (Puerto Amistad Yacht Club)

Anthony Swanston
Sat 2 Mar 2013 13:30
Well, here we are at Bahai de Caraquez and looking forward to going back to sea early tomorrow morning (Sunday).  There is little prospect of wind but we cannot stay here for ever.  With this weather it could take eight or nine days to get there.  The paperwork here has cost another $260, making more than $2,000 since I arrived in Ecuador.  And I still have the Galapagos fees to pay!
It has become a custom, although not strictly correct, to fly a courtesy flag on the port side of the boat for any foreign crew aboard.  Israeli flags are not two a penny here so demonstrating great skill we just made one.  Then much shopping and stowage of food - we need food for 10 weeks as little can be bought in the Galapagos, or, if it can be bought it is expensive.  Must go, much to do.  Updates of progress on passage but no 'photos until we get internet again.

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