15:34.009N 061:27.713W

Noel Dilly
Tue 12 Feb 2013 11:58
Prince Rupert Bay, Portsmouth

9th February

We spent today relaxing and shopping at the out of town supermarket which was not very successful for what we wanted in the way of store items.  Our visit to the  Farmers Market at the Fisheries dock for our fruit and vegetables was fun and we were able to purchase all that we wanted here, even Irish potatoes which we have discovered is what the Caribbean islanders call ordinary potatoes as opposed to their sweet potatoes.

10th February

We went hiking today, looking for source of the Indian River again.  This time we deciphered the guide book accurately and set off up the correct road before turning off into the countryside.  We both enjoyed the walk immensely, despite the muddy path.  It was a wide track used by vehicles and apart from where we crossed over the river lined with buttress trees, the gentle uphill climb was through green woodland.  The peacefulness of the woods reminded me a lot of the New Forest, it had a quiet gentle ambiance with many birds singing in the branches above us.  Spring flowers were emerging from the undergrowth and humming birds fluttered about the blossom hanging from the trees.  We spotted a parrot but sadly were not able to identify its colours in the sunlight.  We came across several old sheds and orchards on the way, including a small empty piggery.  It seems that as in Madeira people farm the land but don't actually live there.  As we climbed we came across a sign post and realised that we were walking on part of Dominica's Waitukubuli Trail, this trail is the longest in the Caribbean.  It was certainly very pleasant. 
We eventually found the point in the track, where we had to scramble down to the source of the river, fortunately it was not very far as it was quite steep and slippery from the overnight heavy rain.  The water was so clear and sparkled as it ran out from under the rocks and babbled its way down the hill. 

Today being Sunday, it is Beach Bar-b-que time again!  We decided to join in the fun again and met a lovely Dutch couple and their two sons aged 17 and 19. The eldest has taken a year out from University, whilst his younger brother is studying 9 subjects on board via the Internet and communications with his school teachers, he will sit his exams when he returns to Holland. 

11th February

We had a very early start this morning, getting up at 3:30am.  It is Carnival time here in Portsmouth and the festivity started at 4:00am.  The High St was full of stalls selling liquid refreshments and food.  Several trucks full to the brim of fresh coconuts were tucked into small streets, one right opposite the open Police Station, machetes were being used to cut open the nuts and the clear coconut milk was drunk by thirsty revellers.  We walked the length of the street to the start of the procession.  A huge articulated lorry had been set up to carry the live bands and 16 enormous speakers, eight at the front and eight at the back.  The compare stood on the roof of the wooden construction, lifting the over head cables crossing the street, so that the vehicle could pass underneath!  The music started and the dancing began, some revellers in front of the very slow moving truck and some behind all dancing along in time.  Nobody seemed to worry how close they were to the huge wheels of the moving truck, the only warning heard, was when the truck could not make the turn up the next street in one move and it had to reverse, the compare sang to the music "the truck is going back, the truck is going back".   The sound was quite deafening but nobody seemed to mind, old and young came onto the streets all dressed in varying forms of dress or in some cases undress!  We stood and observed the festivities for some time, our chests vibrating as the truck with all its speakers passed us by, before deciding that as this 'party' will continue for two days, we would go back to Whisper for a couple more hours sleep, this we did and woke up very late! 

We went back in the afternoon, the truck was once again doing its tour with people dressed in costumes, the crowds were less but more children were about enjoying the music and freedom of dancing in the street.  We planned to go back again after our dinner, but the wind has got up and the music can be heard from here, so we decided to enjoy the sound with out abusing our hearing with mega decibels. 

Photographs: "Carnival Truck" "Indian River Source"

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