Pix 15-Jun-18 1500hrs 44:34.369N 14:24.559E

Steve Coughlan
Fri 15 Jun 2018 14:00

Anchored with good protection from prevailing wind at U. Artaturi, Otok Losinj. Overall a very good sail in strengthening winds to more than 30 knots. Westralia proved a capable vessel once again. Tom and I motored to shore in the dinghy looking for fuel. No luck but restaurant recommended we motor across to Luka Mali Losinj, a couple of kilometres away. There we refuelled the dinghy, returned to Westralia, had a swim and later motored over to the restaurant for dinner.



Tom and I checking out fuel provisions



View to shore, local restaurant





Yes both those dogs have life jackets on!





Dogs fall in!



Interested observer from nearby boat





Restaurant for dinner