Less than 1000 miles from Anywhere - Over 1/2 Way!

Alan and Avryl Broadbridge
Wed 25 Nov 2015 14:06
Celebration day today - 1 week at sea and only 963 to run!
It is a glorious sunny day with nice Easterly winds of 20+knots from behind. We are goose winging with a poled out Gib and a main with a preventer on to stop gibing. The seas are still rolling in from behind as usual Last night after dinner we were all relaxing when we noticed a squall line of clouds creeping up from behind. We managed to reef in before the winds increased but we all got wet! Weohgi looks much better for the wash as she now looks whiter after rinsing of the Sahara sand!
Colin's and my celebration started last night a 22.10 when the 1/2 way point was reached and we avoided another squall. Colin had a lonely celebration on his watch at 5.30 when we reached the 1000 mark! We are all going to have showers - bet you're glad you are not within smelling range!
Banoffe pie for pudding tonight and another surprise dinner! Most dinners are a surprise as we eat in the cockpit in the dark. ( Sunset is now 5.45 as we are GMT -3 ) We can only cope with a bowl and a spoon as this cuts down spillage, and leaves other limbs to help balance etc!
Love and hugs from us all
Avryl, Colin, Andy and Captain Alan xxxxx

Position at 1 week from start 15:57.641N 044:26.310W