Working on the engine

'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Sat 4 Jan 2014 02:34
Inline images 1
 Never mind the quality, feel the width???

Anyway, as you can see the engine has been 'elevated'. The oild drained out and what a thick, gloopy mess it was too. It looked more like Tarmac than oil and the inside of the oil sump was quite a sight. The oil-sump gasket was pretty much non-exzistent which would account for the persistent oil leak since the engine was installed.

So, I've hosed out the engine bay, Jonathan is getting a new gasket made-up and possibly today (Saturday) the engine will be re-installed. I say possibly because apart from time keeping not being one of Jonathan's strong points the official weekend has just been changed here. It used to be Saturday and Sunday, to be in line with most of the rest of the World but now it's Friday and Saturday. Well OK Malaysia is a Muslim country but nobody seems particularly happy about this. Not all the Malay Malaysians have opted for a Friday weekend. Oh yes, I forgot to say. This is optional, a business can either opt for their weekend to be Friday and Saturday or Friday can be a normal working day and the weekend is Saturday and Sunday. A bit like making driving on the right optional.

 Some businesses have openly said that they fear an exodus of foreign investment. Couple this with the recent court ruling over the Christian Bible referring to God as Allah (in the Malaysian language version) now being illegal whereas two years ago it was ruled to be permissible and they may well be right.
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