North West Cape Verdes

Thu 9 Jan 2014 16:52
Position:   21:07.06N    27:17.64W
Yum yum.
That mahi mahi was pretty good last night Smile 
There is just enough for a ceviche appetizer  salad tonight.
BIG swells last night made for a very uncomfortable evening sleep for everyone.
Hey, it happens..
A super sail this morning followed by relatively light winds this afternoon.
We were still able to keep a 6 plus knot speed up though.  
..just downloaded the latest GRIB files and they suggest that we should now drive further south to avoid lighter winds to the west of us. So we’ll be heading for just south of the classic 20N 30W waypoint.
Everyone is now settling down to the routine that is blue water sailing.
..o/k off to make steak and fries for tonight's dinner