Windy in the Whitsundays

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Sun 6 Jul 2014 02:42
20:04.59s 148:55.51e   Windy in the Whitsundays
While Steve has been visiting we have been to a number of different anchorages around the Whitsundays – Peter Bay, Butterfly Bay (the lat/ long of this post), Pearl Bay, Nara Inlet, Hook Passage and then also a few days in Aerlie Beach. The disappointing weather continues, with lots of wind, and colder temperatures. We managed to snorkel and swim at Butterfly Bay, but it was a bit murky.  At Pearl Bay we had found some giant bat fish (similar to a Damsel Fish) that swam up to the boat, demanding attention. Previously we also saw a very friendly Manta ray here, these fish have obviously been fed by yachts.
At Nara Inlet we walked up to see the Aboriginal artwork in a small cave ....sadly not very impressive at all (The Bushmen in Africa seem to be a lot more talented?). We also had two cockatoos trying to tuck into our defrosting steak! These cheeky birds are everywhere!
blog abo    blog cockatoo
Ngara Aboriginal art                                                                                     Cheeky Cockatoo
blog nara
Time 2 hiding from the wind and swell in Nara inlet
The weather pattern seems to be 7/8 days of windy weather, with a little rain and then 2 days of calm sunshine. With the poor weather, “cabin fever” is a real issue, but luckily we have lots of movies to watch.  At one stage we had 2 computers and the TV going, each of us watching something different.
Earlier in the week, we spent 3 days anchored off Aerlie beach and met up with our friends from Kira Kira  - once again sharing good food, wine and lots of laughs. This week our friends from Tasmania are arriving and we look forward to seeing them too. Making friends along the way is one of the highlights of travelling.
Yesterday we took a 64nm day trip, heading to the the outer reef, as Steve was keen to see it before leaving. Sadly the weather was bad (too much wind and swell) and we were not able to stop there. The outer reef is a rather spectacular place for diving, I hope we get another chance to get out there, in calm conditions.  After a rather bumpy ride back, we found a lovely anchorage in the Hook passage which gave us a very quite night.  Steve and Mike managed a little fishing yesterday (small tuna and a snapper) and are at it again this morning. I have been practising my tight-rope walking, doing the window cleaning balancing act.
blog mike steve fish   blog windows
This morning at Hook passage ... crew of Time2 hard at work