More whales

Mon 3 May 2010 01:02
16:05:32N 61:46:14W
Made it to our harbour in Guadeloupe 20 minutes after sunset and just as darkness descended after a 106 mile cruise up from Martinique.
More beautiful sailing conditions with Tilly Mint doing 10 knots on a beam reach. The same story though of the winds dropping whilst running up behind the islands - today the top of Martinique and the whole of Dominica were in the way.
We saw three sperm whales today - huffing and puffing on the surface for about five minutes, before each popped his tail in the air and dived. A wonderful sight.
And we caught a huge fish. I know it was huge because it came off - so it must have been a massive marlin or something.
55 miles up to Antigua tomorrow where I shall sadly leave Tilly Mint for her journey across the Atlantic - not before taking in a bit of the sights of Antigua during Antigua week though.