Pomarão Sun 29th

Thursdays Child
Robin & Joanna Minchin
Sun 29 Mar 2015 22:01

Pomarão and Day 2 of the 13th Fish Festival of the River

We ended up having to play 'I Spy' to stay awake for the fireworks last night. Midnight came and went but when the 10 minute display did begin it was lovely. The tide was most considerate and changed just before midnight so we could sit in sleeping bags in the cockpit to watch the display rather than peering over the bow. Bol identified a Nightingale singing these last few nights and incredibly within a minute of the loud bangs and pops of the fireworks stopping, just when peace descended on the river again, the Nightingale started up, amazingly not put off by the noise of the fireworks, nor the disco which then went on all night.

Today Bol had a useful morning doing boat admin, checking batteries etc. He is slowly making lists and more lists of where everything is kept and what spares he has for what purpose, all in preparation of handing his beloved TC to the delivery crew of Hans, Fred and me next month.

After a second attempt we managed to find the old water pump that the village used to fetch their water, built 50 years ago but still very usable and water flowed easily after a few manual pumps of the handle. The children found more flowers to press, we have quite a good collection now.

Later we popped back to the marquee and chatted to a stall owner who distils many of the plants that grow here. He turns them into essential oils, bath oils, soaps and perfumes and displayed a selection of about eight, including Iberian Lavender, Eucalyptus, Gum Rock Rose, the scents from all three fill the air here.

The musical finale of the Festival was a lively Spanish trio, we were very amused to hear them singing the 'I'm the King of the Swingers' from the Jungle Book, they also sang 'Happy Birthday', both familiar tunes but with Spanish words.

Peace and tranquillity now back on the river.

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