Day 6 - Azores to Gibraltar

Last Leg
Sun 5 Jul 2015 19:27
Position 36:10.0N 007:42.0W 1920 GMT
Speed 5-6 knots. Course 110 deg Magnetic.
103 Miles to go to Gibraltar. 901 Miles gone so far.

Last night was another wet and wild night with winds blowing 25-30 all night. We were flying along at 7-8 knots on a wet beam reach with double reefed main and staysail. We had BBQ pigeon today! No - just kidding. I convinced the pigeon to sleep in the dinghy last night. And at first light this morning he got up and flew away. I wonder where? Later in the morning the wind eased and we have had delightful sailing all afternoon with a full main, poled genoa and also the staysail up. Many ships around heading into the Med so not lonely out here. Hopefully we will arrive tomorrow sometime after negotiating the supposedly difficult Gibraltar straits. All good onboard.

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