Day 2 - Azores to Gibraltar

Last Leg
Wed 1 Jul 2015 21:39
Position 37:53.0N 019:20.0W 1830 GMT
Speed 5 knots. Course 095 deg Magnetic.
670 Miles to go to Gibraltar. 313 Miles gone so far.

A more stable weather day today. Wind 15 knots from the NW. We are sailing along on a broad reach with single reefed main and full genoa. The sun shined today so I took the opportunity to glue and sew repair an area of the mainsail. Interesting work with a super sharp needle on the deck of a bouncing boat in 3m swells. Took 1 hour and it is as good as new now. We have met another boat called Grenadine from France and they have been sailing within a few miles of us all day. It is really cold at night! I'm not sure of this European summer - feels like 10C. All good onboard.

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