so far ... so good

Sat 20 Dec 2014 15:27
Hi guys, just a quicky to let you know both of us are fine. The weather is fair, although the swell is a bit chaotic. Where are those long and steady ocean waves one could expect? On the positive the winds are east between 22 and 30 knots, enabling us to make distance relatively fast. We have make 481 NM after today 3 pm, and still have to make another 385 NM. Not bad for our lady Silmaril. No much shipping this far out at sea, unlike the many tankers sailing closer to the African coast. Last night we took over another sailing yacht, seemingly also bound for Mindelo. We hope you can see our position which we post by satelite phone each day around noon. That’s it folks, for the time being. We continue our journey on this lumpy sea.
Love, Patrick & Leentje