Sink the ship!

David Caukill
Sat 1 Jun 2013 08:55

Saturday 1 June, Somewhere in  Western Division , Fiji  17:46.4S  177 11.0E 

Today’s Blog by Lenie (Time zone BST +11.00; UTC +12.00)


Dear all,


And the rain keeps falling down……………………


The title does not quite reflect the calm day we have had at anchor, however, attempts were made to turn it an exciting day, more later…..


After a wet and hot night at anchor off Musket Cove on Malolo Lai Lai Island,  not far from Ted’s surfing playground on two islands nearby called Tuamotu and Namamotu. Yes,  we are still in Fiji but skipper has  assured us that we will be leaving for Vanuatu tomorrow! Don’t tell customs, but the official word is that we are well on our way after checking out yesterday afternoon.


The day started with the serious matter of the safety briefing which took up the best part of the morning. With confidence after the briefing Ted and Terry tackled the job of firstly “Easing the Cocks” (seacocks that is) and then having found it dirty, (sic)  cleaning the primary raw water filter.


Then the call came: “David!!! We are filling the boat with water! Now what??”   “Trying to sink the boat then?” was the response from the always apparently cool skipper. But all was soon corrected. A few unintended gallons taken on board then pumped off -  No harm done. Not even a dent in their confidence!?


Great points were scored later in the afternoon with that complicated job (skipper volunteered only one clue) of covering the dinghy for the upcoming passage. And did we crack the enigma: The dinghy looks smart with the cover having all its straps fastened, the pole to lift the canvas vertical and even the Velcro in situ. She really looks the business.  I have you know that her look is pretty special (but so is trying to sink the boat!). The points came from the fact that we managed to stow all 5 partially deflated fenders there and there is still plenty of room for storing the rubbish we will accumulate during the passage.


The crew is chuffed with their efforts and wise David is unwilling to dispel any illusions. He is happy when the crew is happy. “To be honest” he muttered ”far better than mutiny on my hands, let’s sail tomorrow!”


And the rain keeps falling down……………………


It’s great to be back on board: The frog has been ‘ribitting’ on the table today and the rain is by no means dampening our spirits.  Not sure yet how to deal with the risk that I might be  leapfrogged in the  night -  as suggested by Ted – though!?!?!. Perhaps it is the surfer in him speaking?


Love to you all. Lenie xxx