Message from above?

Rob & Sarah Bell
Mon 22 Jun 2009 19:38
Monday 22nd June

Spent the day doing a half day tour of the Anzac battlefields and various
cemeteries which was extremely sobering. Around 18 of us (mostly Aussie or
Kiwi) with a very good guide spent from 11.30am to 7.30pm visiting various
sites with a full explanation as we went along which all helped clarify our
previously rather sketchy understanding of this huge military failure (as we
see it - significant military victory as the Turks see it). To stand above
the trenches and see that at some points the opposing forces were just 8
metres apart is unnerving and the cemeteries with their lines of gravestones
listing the young Anzacs showing how many died on any one day is just

Got back to Serafina around 7.45pm in time for a call from the nearest
minaret which ended rather suddenly when the voice of the cleric singing was
interrupted when the microphone picked up the unmistakable sound of him
receiving a text message on his mobile!

Went out for a quick bite to eat and it is pleasing to see that at least
this Turkish resort is very busy with the Turks themselves here on holiday.

50 plus miles to sail tomorrow, so early to bed.