Have you, turned your eggs today?

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Sat 11 Feb 2017 09:05
19:16N 27:39W
We have a small fridge and no freezer, keeping food fresh is a challenge. There are about three dozen eggs in the bilges, the coolest place outside the fridge. Eggs will keep quite nicely out of the fridge and we experimented at home and have never had a bad egg, even after several weeks on the windowsill. However, we have read and heard, that to keep them even fresher you should turn them over every few days. I have no idea why this should work. The task of the "Turning of the Eggs" involves lifting up a section of the floor, kneeling down and sticking your head into the bilges. A. says this makes her feel sick, so only I can do it (I suspect she just thinks it's a waste of time). There are two objectives when turning the eggs: synchronising each egg turn with the roll of the boat so that it doesn't get broken and avoiding a total face-plant into the eggs/bilges when the boat lurches. So far we have only had a single egg related casualty.
Good luck with your egg turning today!
The forecast lighter winds have arrived, on-time, although we had a few 35 knot gusts in the night. The sea state is still too high to use the cruising chute as it would collapse on each roll then bang as it filled again, not good for it or our nerves. So, still running under the partially rolled Genoa, or just the Staysail if the wind gets up for a prolonged period. If the rolling continues, with light winds, we can use a "Don Street" downwind rig with the spinnaker pole and boom set-up as fixed spars (additional guy & preventer) and then fly all three sails: Main, Genoa and staysail. Each sail can then be controlled and even reefed without touching the pole or boom.