Day Three - 24:33.67N 19:36.89W

Wed 18 Jan 2012 15:05
28:07.35N 15:25.39W
Day Three
Distance Covered: 362 Nm
Day One saw us break two new records – we hit our fastest yet speed of 9.5Kn and covered a whooping 160 Nm in 24 hours!.
Well, as promised here is out update.
We are flying along as I write – averaging a lovely 6 – 7 knots of speed. It has been a little choppy and so at some point in the last few days we have all suffered a little from sea-sickness, luckily though most of us are now over it ( Erwin is still a little under the weather however, unfortunately; but it does tend to go after day three so I am confident he’ll be back on top form very soon).
We spent the whole of our first day alongside a boat from New Zealand called “Bliss” with whom we had a short but very nice VHF radio chat. They are heading for the Cape Verde Islands on a more direct route so we lost sight of them yesterday. As you can see – we are heading towards the Cabo Verdes but do not intend to stop – only if we need to. We shall simply pick up the trade winds from there and head on East. That’s the plan.
Shall send this off now and will update again in three days.
PS Thank you Mum and Dad for the fantastic Christmas present of my ‘Kindle’ – you were right – I love it! Fully stocked up with books and shall continue to read once I have signed off.. ( School is out for a few days, so we all have some welcome time off!).