Port Antonio, Jamaica

The Travels of Running Tide
Mick Norman
Fri 11 Apr 2014 13:38
We are enjoying Port Antonio. The marina is really good though we are still anchored just off the pontoons. Port Antonio is a part of Jamaica that the tourist revolution has forgotten.  There is a small cruise ship terminal adjacent to the marina but  no cruise boats visit anymore or at least infrequently.   The Blue Mountains are just inland so the surrounding countryside is very attractive.  There are only a couple of restaurants but these are surprisingly expensive and a bit out of town.Food at the marina is a bit average but there is an excellent bar and pool area.
The town is a bit scruffy and not helped by the fact that most of the roads have been dug up to replace water mains and sewers.  The locals are friendly but there is a bit of an edginess about them. A bit more attitude than elsewhere in the Caribbean. I just feel that there might be  little bit of resentment. There is a lot of poverty here and whilst there is a lot of money sloshing around in Jamaica its in the hands of the few.
The other day Norm, I and Paul a Brit also sailing through went rafting on the Rio Grande. The rafts are what were used traditionally to bring bananas to the coast from inland.  You feel a little bit like royalty being punted along but it was good fun and the countryside is stunning.
I have been trying to get PADI Open Water Diving Certification since setting off on our travels. I dived many years ago but never got any formal qualifications.. Yesterday I got my qualifying dives completed and I am three quarters of the way through the online theory. So hopefully I will be sorted soon.
Yesterday I had a day off from studies and we all including Paul headed off for a day in Kingston the capital.  First stop had to be the Bob Marley Museum, that was fun singing BM classics along with the museum guides. We all learnt lots of things about his life that we didn’t know. There was an assassination attempt in his home in Kingston. Apparently six gunmen broke in. It didn’t sound very professional as three or four people were wounded including BM but no one killed. Sounded more like a bungled robbery to me. 
After that we went to have a look around the town and found a shopping precinct with a body piercing shop. Now Norman has been threatening to have a earring fitted but always making excuses for not having it done. As a sailor you need an earring so that the mermaids can lift you out of the water when you fall in. As I didn’t fancy fishing Norm out of the water unaided I was keen that he have this safety device fitted. The lady in charge was a charmer and Norm was soon under her spell. He resisted the offers to have his nipples or nether regions suitably adorned and so checking that we had the right ear which is left the deed was done with little blood letting.
We will be moving on on Saturday west along the coast to Montego Bay. After that we are Cuba bound. Reports are that the shops are empty so the MoBay stop will be primarily for provisioning. Internet access is nigh on impossible in Cuba so we’ll see.
The Anchorage, RT the middle of the three boats
Bikini Beach, next to the Marina
Looking over to Navy Island
Rafting the Rio Grande
Paul on his Raft
Rafting the Rio Grande
A Few Beers in The Marina Bar with Paul
Looking Down on Kingston
Norm with Bob
Downtown Kingston
I would like a ring Just There
Be Gentle with Me
The Finished Job