Sh... happens, even in Paradise

The Travels of Running Tide
Mick Norman
Sun 9 Feb 2014 22:47
We are in Mustique now, the play ground of the rich and famous and the crew of RT. We are anchored off Basil’s Bar a short dinghy ride from the delights of this world famous resort. Rumour has it that Kate and George are here so we will be popping round to say hi if we have time.
Last night was a lot of fun, Basil’s Bar was bit pricey for food so we headed off up the hill to a local BBQ. That was good, lots of reggae, beer, cheap food and cool dudes. The music was ratcheted up at midnight when we were back on RT. It was just like we were there again. They are not too big on noise abatement.
The weather has moderated, well at least we are not being blown off the anchor thought whether through stupidity or just bad luck a severe gust flipped the dinghy again. I was snorkelling around RT when an outboard engine came into view hanging on the end of its lanyard. Hmmmm, I thought!!??  At least this time we knew exactly what to do and had the thing up and running within the hour.
I must say that Mustique is quite attractive,  with lots of beautiful bays and vistas. It a well managed and manicured island not like any we have seen so far. Probably a bit pricey for most people but lying at anchor the rate is about 15 pounds a night for RT and crew.
One thing Sally is impressed with is the dinghy dock, no dramas getting ashore here. After the dunking in the surf Sally refused to travel back to RT in the dinghy and persuaded a local bar owner to run her out in his much bigger dinghy. The dinghy dock I was using did require the agility of a monkey to get from dock to dinghy.
The Anchorage, in the Distance
The White Beaches
Creature observed just off the beach