23:56.5N20:25.3W. 5days in!

Nick Packers Blog
Rory McGouran
Thu 24 Nov 2016 11:45
A good days sailing yesterday but the wind died in the night and we are now motoring in search of the elusive trade winds.The signs,supported by weather forecasts and grib files ( don't ask) are all promising. The sun has just emerged but it is still not overly warm and we are wearing our sweaters at night.
Yesterday's highlight was the deployment of the pressure cooker.....much steam but it worked well and a delicious Sri Lankan curry was produced by George.A man of many talents fuelled by Skittles.
There have been a plethora of emails from our loquacious daughter.Thank you.
Love to all,
Able(sic) Seaman Packer
