Roccella Ionica

Off again
Sun 29 Aug 2010 16:53
28th August
Made it as far as Rocella Ionica and wind picked up some what so headed into marina careful to avoid the sand bar at the entrance,in typical wind fashion for us blow increased to 25knts and we were beginning to think we should anchor outside until wind abated but we decided to continue into Marina where we hoped wind would not be so fierce.Mark was able to ferry glide alongside outer mole much to the amazement of some local yachtsmen.Once we were tied up we had some supper and then went to the local bar to have a celebratory drink and at last use the internet to catch up on our Blogg!
This Marina is one that was started from Money provided by The Mafia and for some reason has not been finished but it does provide a safe haven en route to Greece.