FW: Check-in/OK message from SPOT Piccolo

Andrew Yates
Fri 23 Jun 2017 12:00



Sent from Mail for Windows 10


From: noreply {CHANGE TO AT} findmespot {DOT} com
Sent: 23 June 2017 12:51
To: paul2 {DOT} eaton {CHANGE TO AT} btopenworld {DOT} com
Subject: Check-in/OK message from SPOT Piccolo


Device Name: Piccolo
Latitude: 44.60572
Longitude: -23.69803
GPS location Date/Time: 06/23/2017 12:51:56 IST

Message: All well here. Today's position report. Mark.

Click the link below to see where I am located.

If the above link does not work, try this link:

You have received this message because "Piccolo" has attempted to contact you.
