Vilagarcia - Caramiñal

Nano's blog.
Nigel Anderson
Fri 1 Sep 2006 18:37
Date: 01-09-06     Time: 17:40 UTC      Position: 48:36.18N  008:56.02W   Name: Caramiñal 

Click here for English version;

Bare sju sjømil idag, men en fin seilas allikevel i en varm bris som var nok til å holde 4-5 knop inn til Caramiñal. Fortsatt i den samme ria: vi har god tid til å ta livet med ro i enda et par dager. På søndag skal vi hente Kjetil og Grethe fra togstasjonen i Vigo - noen få timers seiling sør herifra i enda en ria. Inntil da er det bare å ta livet med ro, og kanskje ordne med noen småjobber. Høyt på lista var å skaffe mer bensin til påhengsmotoren. I samme slengen kunne jeg tenkte meg å få fylt på med diesel og bytte en tom gassflaske. Slikt sett så dette stedet ut til å være velegnet. I havneboka står det "Fuel : Yes", og på kartet over havnen er fylleplass for diesel klart inntegnet. Intetanende seiler vi inn i havnen og gjør oss klar til å fortøye ved fyllestasjonen, men en nokså uhjelpsom mann fra capitainia forteller uten å kunne et ord engelsk at diesel her kun er til fiskebåter. Det var allikevel lunsjtid, så vi droppet ankeret rett utenfor marinaen på en lang og fin sandstrand der vi inntar lunsj, så svømmer vi i 21 behagelige grader, og finner ut at vi kan like godt bli her i natt siden vi ligger så godt og at det er lett å komme i land med jolla. På land fikk vi tak i både bensin og gass og fikk oss en fin tur langs stranda samtidig. Selve byen var som oftest ganske koselig med mer enn nok spisesteder osv.
På seilturen inn hit fikk vi øye på flere delfiner som tydeligvis lekte med maten sin, og jeg endelig fikk festet hoppende delfiner til film (eller hard-disk siden det er et digitalt video-kamera). Jeg har ikke klart å konvertere dette til en vanlig bildefil, så dagens bilde må bli noe annet en delfiner - sekkepipespillere i Santiago de Compostela.
Bagpipe players. They have been with us all the way from Shetland to almost the border with Portugal.
Sekkepiper. De har vært et innslag i reisen vår helt siden Shetland og nå nesten til grensen meed Portugal.

English version

Only seven miles sailed today, but a pleasant trip all the same in a warm breeze keeping us at 4-5 knots. We have time to burn here in the Rias, we are meeting Kjetil and Grethe in Vigo on Sunday evening - just 4-5 hours sailing south of here. Our task for the day was to find petrol for the outboard, perhaps also filling diesel and exchanging an empty gas bottle. Flicking through the pilot book, our eyes fell on Caramiñal as the town has all the facilites one might need (bakery and gas bottle exchange being the only two for us), and a clearly marked fuel dock in the marina with the keywords for the harbour in the book marked "Fuel: Yes". As we approached the fuel berth a rather unhelpful man from the capitania shouted over to us in Spanish; refused to attempt any English, but made it understood that we could not buy diesel (Gasoel) from the place marked "Gaseol" - only for fishing boats. So here is a marina with several hundred boats where you can only buy diesel if you are a professional fishing boat. I blame the harbour guide - not the objectionable little Spaniard - "Fuel - only for fishing boats" would be the correct annotation. Anyway, it was time for lunch and, as I was in no mood for more communication with the capitania about lying alongside the wave breaker for a couple of hours while we have lunch and find petrol, we anchored right outside the marina by the long sandy beach. A good lunch was enjoyed in the heat - followed by a cooling swim in a pleasant 21 degree warm sea. We have good access to the town by dinghy, and went ashore after siesta in search of petrol. The petrol station was about half a mile out of town, along the beach, giving us a nice walk. Next door was an ironmonger who had gas bottles, so that got done too. One doesn't see so many places with the blue camping-gaz bottles here in Spain, but the one we got today was cheap - eight euros, wheras we paid twenty one the last time we changed in France.
I must mention that on the sail over here we spotted several dolphins - presumably doing what their mothers told them not to do - playing with their food. They were jumping and rolling about and didn't seem to mind us getting close until we were only fifty metres away, when they kept their heads down until we had passed. I finally managed to get some video of this, but no still shots. As I haven't worked out how to get a still picture out of the movie files, I will have to present a picture of two bagpipe playing Galicians whom we saw at Santiago de Compostela a couple of days ago.