Back at Vuda Marina - 14th October 2017

Mustang Sally Cruising
Mark Lawrence & Dianne Jackson
Fri 13 Oct 2017 23:59
Well our sailing season has now come to an end and we are back at Vuda Marina in a berth for the time being.
Our position is 17:40.83S 177:23.20E.
Since our last blog we spent a few more days at Nananu I Cake enjoying quite a bit of kite boarding. 
The big achievement on our last day was that no recoveries were required i.e. we were both able to maintain our position or even better go upwind which is a huge step in kite-boarding world.  We have even started work on dry turns so looking forward to continuing our progression once we get back home although we are not looking forward to the colder conditions.  Thanks again to Warren at Safari Lodge who was a great instructor and certainly was great at helping us advance our skills – we will definitely be back next season.
We were lucky enough to also catch up with Bev from Coco who was heading east to do her annual run to Futuna Island as the rules only allow you to leave your yacht in Fiji for 18 months – if it stays longer then it need to be imported.
We departed Nananu I Cake on Saturday 10th October and made our way around the northern side of Vitu Levu.  Our first stop was at Vatia Wharf where we spent a quiet night anchored off Vatia Resort.
The next day we made it around to Lautoka and anchored off the Banaka Resort and went in for a spot of lunch to celebrate Fiji Day and made it into Vuda Marina on Tuesday 11th October.
We have caught up with some friends we met while here last season and is always nice to be back here and now starts the big clean and pack up.
Sally is scheduled to come out of the water and move into her pit on the 23rd October.  There is a meeting on Monday for all yacht owners to discuss pit allocation so that will be a must attend.
Our flights are booked for Thursday 2nd November so there should be plenty of time to get the jobs done although we do have a significantly bigger list than we did last season.
The facts and figures for this season.
Distance Travelled = 2,432 NM
Engine Hours = 260 Hrs
Genset Hours = 145 Hrs (this is higher than expected as only a few days have been spent in a marina this season plus we had the nasty Wind Generator incident earlier in the season which means it has been disabled since May)
Diesel = 730 ltrs
Have attached a copy of our seasons overview which may be of interest

Attachment: SW Pacific Cruise - 2017 - Actual.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document