A money saving night

Moorglade's Voyage
Ted Wilson
Sun 12 Jun 2016 19:11

Our position is 59:46.659N 19:05.401E

Distance covered 2.8 Nm

Various other people in Graddo had remarked on its high cost (240SEK + 60 for electricity). It was higher than we had been paying further South but once you get round Stockholm everything is more expensive. As we were planning an early start on Monday we thought we could save one night’s fees by moving round the corner to a natural harbour on the island of Lido, for the night.


Leaving Graddo. The small building in the second picture is the café that postponed its seasonal opening for better weather

Because it was so close, we arrived a mere 45mins after setting off. There was a small motor boat tied to rocks and another yacht at anchor, but they said they were leaving before night, so before long we were alone again apart from the huge shoals of fish swimming round the boat and families of swans and ducks.

Entry to Lido Ostrahamn


The harbour when we arrived and in the morning

This mother had done well to raise so many ducklings

We are still not really used to how light it is for so much of the time. It can make sleeping difficult but would make night sailing easy if we were to plan any! It plays havoc with a body clock to wake up at 3am and the sun is shining. I can see why the local people celebrate midsummer when they have to endure the almost total darkness that comes with enjoying nearly 24 hours of daylight.


These pictures were taken at midnight without artificial aids. The light in the distance on the first picture was a cruise ship


The same view at midnight and in the morning – the sky looks almost the same colour in both

  For once the bottom was weedy rather than muddy


It was a truly lovely anchorage and made us really pleased that meanness had sent us there. It would be worth a visit under any circumstances.