Kiyikoy to Tzarevo

Minka of Southampton - Cruising Log
Edmund Wigan
Mon 21 Jul 2014 14:56
I will certainly call back in Kiyikoy for another fish butty. My apologies to them for my spelling in previous blogs.

The coastline is very attractive coming up to and into Bulgaria. There is a headland and river which mark the boundary with Turkey.

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When you get closer you can see the signs they have erected on either side of the border.

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The river flows out between them. The first village in Bulgaria is on the headland.

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To the left of centre the brown building is a wooden church. I wonder if they know they have been building on top of a cave.

The bungalow in the centre of the next shot is falling into the sea.

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Crossing the border I took down my Turkish courtesy flag and put up the Bulgarian one.

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The yellow flag is morse code letter Q which is the quarantine flag you are required to fly until you have declared there is no lurgy on board to the Health Authority.

Checking in here was a doddle. I backed into the quay as directed by the harbour master who took my lines. There were two friendly customs officers who came aboard looking for lurgy, drugs, guns, explosives or illegal immigrants. They found none nor any tonic water which would have been good.

I then went with them to their office on the quay, filled out two forms whilst they checked my papers and passport. The whole thing took half an hour and cost nothing. I had to pay 30 euros for the berth which includes water and electric. The harbour master says the water is undrinkable....... perhaps he owns a brewery.