Marmara to Saraylar

Minka of Southampton - Cruising Log
Edmund Wigan
Mon 26 May 2014 09:02
Position 40:39.277N 27:39.633E

Leaving Marmara early enabled a quick trip to Saraylar on the north coast of the island.

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A better picture of the ambulance taken whilst leaving.

As you can see the island is very beautiful and green until...

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We moored alongside to the ferry terminal and nobody grumbled.

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They have used marble for the dock.

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I went to the open air marble museum which has lots of half carved rejected pieces.

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This appears to be stone coffin.

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A sarcophagus and an overview of the tomb department.

Overall I spent an hour at the museum and as the whole place was very dusty decided to move on after buying a nice cream.

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