Day 23

Lee Price
Wed 4 Jun 2008 17:41
N38.58.54 W037.30.73

Wind W less than 10kts Heading 090T

It was a beautiful night last night, the best yet. The vast canvas of the sails almost glowed in a moonless night, the ink black sea past gentally under and out to the distinct line of the horizon, as far as the eye could see all around, the deep velvet blue of the sky, dome like, coming down to meet it at it's edge punctuated enumerably by the curious off white pricks of starlight, I gazed upon them till my neck ached. Total magic. Dolphins we're there too, for the first time in the calm of the night I heard their blow holes as they came up for air. I couldn't see them but I could follow the trails of phosphoresent left in their wake like jetstreams of fluresent green passing back and forth, crossing each other under the keel, out to 40ft or 50ft away and darting back and jumping out in a froth of green mist and diving back across the bow of the boat, the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

Dawn bought an sharp, stunning sunrise leading a clear path of shimmering yellow sunlight across the ocean to the side of my little boat. The wind had backed still overnight to the SW and although the current was set against, robbing me of 1kt or so, we were still making just over 4kts on a calm sea, the wind on the Starboard quarter on a very broad reach pushed me slightly SE.

During the late morning I motor sailed to put charge in the Batteries and as I did so the wind veered to the W. All afternoon I've been running due east with the Spinika up, quite fabulas sailing though not fast, 6-8kts of wind and cruising along at 3-4kts. But it's ok, the iPods on loud and the sun is shining, for the first time since west of Bermuda I'm in only my shorts.
