Pics from Tanna living - Part 2

Kokamo's Pacifc Meanderings
Tom and Rachel
Wed 11 Aug 2010 21:44
Walking to another village - '2 creeks away.'  The villages are on the only flat land on the top of ridges - so to travel between them involves steep walks down hills to a creek, and back up again.
Hmmm... sugar cane
Supreme Chief Kowia's grave in Iakel.  The very old chief who sent the ambassadors with their messages to the UK and US - the last of his generation - died late last year.  When I made a speech to the village (there is always much speechmaking) the women were in tears because they remembered last time I spoke their, the Supreme Chief was still alive.
Albi with his grandson Gavin
Grating taro on a spiky stick to make the famous (and famously stodgy) lap-lap.  The taro paste with some coconut cream is wrapped in island spinach, then parcelled in banana leaves and put on hot stones in the fire to bake.
Johnny's house that we stayed in at Ianalaol
A speech by Chief Yapa to conclude our discussions about a possible Kastom school - the occasion, and our gift of some school materials, marked by a very large kava plant, a black chicken and a pig (all shortly to be consumed)
Rachel with Yawillem - Chief Yapa's wife