Where are these guys going??

Karma Daze
Chris and Penny Manley
Mon 20 May 2019 10:24

“34:12N 053:22W”


Monday 20th May


For those of you looking at the map and/or following us on the Yellow Brick Tracker, you may have wondered why we appear to have a somewhat erratic course at times.  This is caused by the uncertainty about the weather.  The further north we go the more wind we get in any of the weather systems, but also the seas are rougher with bigger waves.  The further south we go the less wind, and kinder seas, but there is also the danger of no wind.  Our course is determined by future weather systems i.e. avoiding gales.  The weather can also change over a few days, so what was a gales a couple of days ago, has now decreased into strong winds by the time it reaches us. Our decisions about where to go are based on any weather and routing information we receive, plus lots of discussion with other boats.


Sunday we continued to sail all day and overnight, although the wind did move around to the north north west from south west and moderate slightly.  We should have this wind for the rest of the day and then it will drop overnight.  We hope we will be to continue sailing as much as possible as we want to save our fuel in case we have to motor at the end.


We have about 1200 miles to go, and at our current speed of 6knots we should be in Horta by 28th/29th May. Watch this space....