Day 3, So far so good!

Paul and Catherine Davis
Sun 22 Nov 2015 23:52
1:23S 139:56W
The pleasant conditions are giving us a good ride towards the Equator, only less than 90 miles away.
Life aboard is very comfortable, the sea is slight with a gentle swell from the East and the wind is holding a steady 12 knots from the East.
As we cross the doldrums, determined not to get scurvy and have our teeth drop out, we are eating plenty of fresh fruit and are happy to still have 10 large, juicy pamplemousses, 2 pineapples, 18 mangoes, 12 bananas and 30 lemons on board. The vegetable side is also looking good with 4 large courgettes, 5 leeks, 1 large pumpkin, 8 green peppers, 1 large pak choy, 5 large tomatoes, 9 sweet potatoes, 7 large onions, 3 cucumbers, 1 lettuce, 1 green cabbage, 1 large beetroot, 8 carrots and plenty of garlic.
No tin food for the time being.
We hope you are all keeping up with your 5 fruit/veg portions a day for a healthy and happy start to the Christmas season.